Archbold Wilson Park

Quick Facts

At 62 acres, Archbold Wilson is the largest of Ossian’s parks.

Location: Adjacent to the Ossian Ball Diamonds. (View on Google Maps)

Walking trail parking entrance: Just north of the baseball concession stand on Melching Street

Handicap entrance: On the south end of Braeburn Street within the Bunn Addition

Park Features

Archbold Wilson Event Center
Amphitheater/ Pavilion

If you are interested in renting the Amphitheater / Pavilion, please complete the Event Center Rental Application Form.

Archbold Wilson Walking Trail & Trees
Walking Trail

The walking / jogging / biking trail is 1.25 miles long and includes a children’s Story Walk.


Archbold Wilson Boneyard Dog Park Ribbon Cutting
The Bone Yard Dog Park

The Ossian Boneyard Dog Park is open from dawn to dusk for key holders only.

It is fenced-in and equipped with agility and play features.

To register to use the dog park, download and complete the Boneyard Dog Park Rules and Forms.

Return completed forms to the Ossian Town Hall.

Skate Park

There is also a small skate park area.

Archbold Wilson Park Playground


Archbold Wilson Sledding Hill
Sledding Hill

30′ sledding hill, which also serves as the seating area for the Amphitheater.

Archbold Wilson Fishing Pond
Fishing Pond

Fully-stocked fishing pond

Archbold Wilson Disc Golf
Disc Golf Course

View a detailed layout of the 18-hold Disc Golf Course or download a printable version.

Archbold Wilson Adopt-a-Tree
Adopt-a-Tree Program

The Adopt-a-Tree Program is currently suspended.

Through the Adopt-a-Tree program, people purchased already-planted trees in memory of loved ones. Memorial plaques were placed in front of those trees to honor that person.